Job Title: Representative Program Uniform Officer
Reports To: UPNA Rep Coordinator
Position Type: Volunteer Position
Appointed by: UPNA Board of Management
Term of Role: As determined by the UPNA Board of Management
Role and Responsibilities
Develop a policy manual that includes procedures to track stock from purchase order, delivery, payment, sales points, and cash reconciliation.
Design and implement stock reconciliation procedures, including but not limited to, bi-annual stocktakes of the Rep uniform stock. This will involve working with the Rep coordinator and Finance Officer and developing detailed documentation so that the Rep Co-Ordinator can review and participate in the process.
Develop formal communications protocols between the Rep Co-Ordinator and Finance Officer so that there is always a clear understanding of the business.
Review all terms and conditions of new and current suppliers prior to sending to the Rep Co-Ordinator and Finance Officer for approval. Report any issues that may negatively impact UPNA
Review stock levels, ensure sufficient stock is kept on-hand (excess shall be deemed by Rep Coordinator and Finance Officer)
Review tax invoices and send to Rep Co-Ordinator for approval prior to sending to Finance Officer.
Review stock pricing to maintain economic viability
Recruitment and training of successive Rep Uniform Convenor prior to stepping down.
Review and update uniform pricings and orders form as required.
Collate all orders from rep players and in consultation with the Rep Co-Ordinator, send through to Finance Officer for invoicing.
Assist Finance Officer with payment plans, ensuring all uniforms are paid for by the date determined by Finance Officer. Follow up payments with players (via team Manager)
Organise rep uniform try on day. In consultation with Rep Co-Ordinator and Finance Officer. This will involve, but is not limited to, setting up protocols for cash handling, EFTPOS payments, maintaining records of stock sold and payments received, placing the orders with suppliers.
All monies to be given to Administration Officer for banking. After uniform try on day finance officer to confirm with rep co-ordinator and uniform convenor what monies have been paid by each player.
Receive, check, and put away all stock in a timely manner. Noting any discrepancies on the delivery docket/invoice and report same to Rep Co-Ordinator who can inform the supplier in writing as soon as possible.
Receive and process returns of faulty stock in consultation with Rep Co-Ordinator.
Always maintain the stock room in a clean and tidy condition. Cover all stock on open shelves and racks at the end of the season to prevent contamination from pest control treatments.
Organise day for packing of uniforms prior to collection day (ensure old stock is used before new stock with new logo).
Organise collection day for uniforms and ensure all payments are made in full on this day or prior to collection day.
Liaise with Sunprints for Supporter’s gear for 2021 – update flyer with new styles etc, co-ordinate with Rep Co-Ordinator to send out flyer to all teams and organise order process, payment, and collection.
Blood dresses to be allocated to each team and a register kept.
Need to be available on a Monday night for approximately one hour in the first month to ensure all outstanding orders are collected and any exchanges are made and ensure no uniform pieces are collected without proof of payment
Need to be available throughout the season on a Monday night for any new players that need uniforms to be fitted etc – co-ordinate this with Rep Co-Ordinator.
Co-ordinate with finance officer for invoices to be raised for items purchased throughout the season and payment is made before collection of items.
Undertake any relevant training as requested by UPNA Board.
Key Performance Indicators
To manage Rep uniform requirements of the association, supporting operational role holders and board members as required (and able).
To demonstrate ability to work within a team environment.